Tuesday, June 11, 2013

26 months / 5 months

Rudy - 26 months

Max and Ruby!  Everything is Max and Ruby!  Her favorite thing right now! 

She is growing right before our eyes!  She is miss independent!  She feeds herself, puts her hat and coat on, takes her shoes off, puts on her jammies, brushes her teeth, all by herself.  Well, with alittle help from mama and daddy.  She cracks us up at the things she says and how adorably stinky she is.  So nurturing and caring toward us and her brother, but sneaky and naughty at the same time that little roo. 

Ward - 5 months

Little man is doing so much at just 5 months old!  He is sitting up on his own, ate solids for the first time (pork) on December 11 and is laughing up a storm!  He scoots in circles while laying on his belly on the floor, he LOVES his red ball and is just as affectionate with the little teether bunny that was once his big sister's.  The exersaucer is another hit as he spins himself around to see all that is going on.  He loves to watch his sister play and dance around.  Her squeels and screams seem to get him just as excited as her. 

Nighttime is not predictable.  A few nights he was sleeping through the night.  Other nights he insists on being held the whole night.  Other nights he feeds up to four times!  We'll get there, but hopefully soon!

He eats like a champ!  Six-Seven oz bottles three to four times while at Heathers and gets at least three more times with me before bedtime.  He goes to bed around 9, sometimes much earlier-- usually if I am holding him and Leah while watching Max & Rudy at 7:30-- the rocking and coziness knocks him right out.

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