Wednesday, August 3, 2011

43 weeks

For the first time,  Leah came up to me holding her woobie while I was sitting on the living room couch and laid her head down on my lap.  It melted my heart!  She is being very cuddly lately. 

She is walking more and more and is so excited about everything.  She learned that she can climb on just about everything, furniture included.  Is it wrong that I find this so stinking cute?!

She is sleeping well through the nights and is not as crabby as she was the week before.  Her eating has slowed down a bit but I have added a small snack to her afternoon pre-nap bottle.  That seems to be really helping her through the night.

I am loving our nightly showers.  Leah not so much.  By the time we get in it is already pushing 8, sometimes even after, and she is so so tired.  I am going to really need to start her bedtime routine much earlier. 

On Wednesday, we woke up after sleeping about 35 minutes and after letting her fuss for about 15 minutes, I ended up picking her up and taking her outside to swing on the swing.  It was lovely.  It was getting pretty dusk (9:15) and the locusts were churping away.  There was a cool breeze to break up the thick humid air and it was so lovely. She fell asleep on my chest within minutes. 

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